Are You Qualified to Lead on Your Board?

Most community members want to make a positive change within their Association. One of the most effective ways to take steps towards community improvement is by taking up the mantle as an HOA Board Member.

Typically, the only firm requirement to serve on your Association’s Board is to be a member of the Association, there are several skills that are key to properly serve your community.

Goodwinlent Communication Skills

As an HOA board member, communication skills are an absolute must! Your entire position revolves around communicating and debating ideas amongst your fellow board members, tenants, vendors, and even your association management team.

In order to serve your community in the best ways you can, you will have to be prepared to speak your mind, listen, and above all compromise for the good of your constituents.

“Can-Do” Attitude

The HOA board is a team of leaders working to make their Association the best place for residents living in its boundaries. There are no sitting ducks on this Board. If you want to be part of the cause, be ready to put in the hard work and commitment necessary to represent your association in the most positive light possible. While time investment is usually minimal, the Board is going to be your job away from work and should be valued as your home away from home. Possessing a consistently headstrong attitude will help you make the best decisions for your neighbors.

Sensible Enough to Ask for Help

Even if you’re an accountant, lawyer, or even property manager in your full-time job, there are inevitably going to be issues that come up that you do not have the knowledge to address. A good Board Member knows when to solicit help from the necessary professionals. You’re most likely not going to be equipped to face a legal issue or deal with vendor contract negotiations without knowledge of the details from prior years.

If you’re going to serve properly, you should always be open to getting help from the experts. Your Board has them on the sidelines for a reason. They are in place to help your Board succeed where it could easily falter.

Experience a Partner in Leadership With Goodwin & Company

If you want to serve, but perhaps don’t want to commit to a full-fledged Board position, consider volunteering for a committee.  This way you can still help better your community, while also learning the ropes of how it all operates before committing to a Board seat.  If you’re ready to make a difference within your planned community, Goodwin & Company is ready to help. We can help you stay compliant with HOA legalities, fee collection, regulation enforcement, and more. When your Board works with Goodwin & Company you gain a partner that helps you raise up your community.

Reach out to us today to learn more about our services and find out how to get our team on your side.